Client Testimonials


Nathan James

“What can I say?
This guy is an utter genius, I've spent years exercising, thinking I'm looking after myself with my diet, but James has fundamentally changed my outlook on nutrition and fitness. He also took the time to understand what I wanted as opposed to just assuming it was all about weight loss. If you want to make a change to your fitness, body shape, lose weight, strength, whatever. Then I can't recommend booking a consultation in with James it.


Martyn Harris

“James is an extremely patient and knowledgeable trainer both in terms of nutrition and exercise. Since working with James my family no longer worry about my health, I have a happy wife and life has become more fun. I can’t recommend him highly enough”


Lisa Budd

“After having my little girl I was in need of toning up and improving my fitness. My friends husband recently called me, ‘Fit as a butchers dog’ after I took my two children camping on my own. This was due to effective training and it made me feel really proud.


David Allinson

“I spent years going through the same old routines and getting nowhere. Since working with James I’ve accomplished thing's I’d never thought possible”


Mia McCarthy-Brewer

“18 months ago I was grossly overweight, unfit and suffered from high blood pressure. Training with James and following his highly effective nutrition has resulted in me being a healthier, fitter and medication free mum to my children”