Does muscle weigh more than fat?

No, it doesn’t.

A pound of muscle weighs exactly the same as a pound of fat.

However muscle is denser and takes up far less space than the equivalent weight in fat.

If your doing things right people might compliment you on looking better and you may need a whole new wardrobe as all your clothes have become too big.

But that number on the scale could still be pissing you off because it’s not saying what you want it to.

Your bodyweight will decrease over time as you lose body fat but there is no reason to be disheartened if your clothes are becoming looser and training performance is increasing but the scale doesn’t reflect it as much as you’d like.

Scale weight can be impacted by so many things outside of body fat loss/gain.

You could have a decrease in weight but a far greater decrease in your clothes size and body fat.

If you want to appear ‘lean’ or ‘toned’ you want to build or maintain muscle and lose excess body fat.

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